Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Miley hits up her blog discarding all rumors of her kissing one of her female dancers while she was in London performing. She calls this controversy "ridiculous" and says that there are more important things in this world to talk about rather than just ignorant rumors.

All you have to do is go to Youtube and watch the video. Now time for my little opinion. Get a damn life. All you ever hear is Miley did this and that wrong. You people always make her look like she's always doing something wrong. What happens when she does something good? Exactly nothing. Because you guys are too busy waiting for her to slip up.

I'm not addressing just Miley-haters or the American Parent's Association I'm talking to certain Miley fans. I want a few of them to shut up. You guys say your so upset and disappointed by her actions when you don't wait for her to confirm it. For some of you the second bad news or some fake controversy comes out about her you guys are so damn quick to judge.

A true Miley fan would support her and be there for her and not believing anything the tabloids say until Miley confirms it. Thats what true fans do. Everyone focuses on all the bad. What about all the money she gives to charities each year? What about her own charities? You never hear her brag about them and she never flaunts all the good thing she does. If I offend anyone with this post well excuse me but you guys need to understand that Miley is not fourteen anymore and that she is a human being with feelings and emotions.

Miley & Liam: Breakup or Still Together?

Oh trust me they're still together. Just because you don't see them hanging around each other 24/7 does not mean that they're not a couple. So all you Miam fans you guys still have something to cheer for. You Niley fans just hang in there. Last but not least al you Mustin fans I think its goiving up time for you guys.